Donation & Sponsorship

Give Support

As a 501(c)3 organization, TxTRC relies on donations and community support to fulfill our mission. This funding provides care for our therapy horse herd, facility maintenance, and providing equine assisted activities and therapies to our clients. We are thankful for your support to continue to be a community where horses heal at Texas Therapeutic Riding Center.

Ways to Support

Monetary Donations

You can make a tax-deductible donation in support of TxTRC online or by mail. A tax receipt can be provided via email or mail:

  • Mail a check to 300 Bevans Cir., Heath, TX 75032
  • Make an online donation here
  • Make an online donation through PayPal link below

Employee Giving

Workplace giving programs allow you to give effortlessly by automatically contributing a portion of your paycheck to TxTRC. Many companies also offer donation matching programs which allow you to double, or sometimes even triple your charitable contributions without a second thought. Talk to your employer to find out what types of employee giving options are available to start multiplying your generosity!

Annual Donor or Event Sponsorship Packages

TxTRC offers many annual sponsorship packages, include Horse Sponsorship. Contact us for more information on these opportunities.